This is a major upgrade from Unholy 1.2b1 - it has tons of new macros and features. Unfortunatley - the heart of Unholy is and always will be Keyquencer. If I ever get into programming - Unholy will be discontinued. In any case - have fun! Click on the unholy icon in the cdev for more info. I hope this will be the last update of unholy for a long time. Have fun!
Items in the Unholy package.
1. "Unholy 1.3" - the unholy control panel - goes in control panels folder
2. "UnholyMacros" - macros too long for actual macro length - put in control panels.
3. "UL Ext." - goes in the extensions folder - needed to run unholy.
4. "KQ Apple Events" - goes in the extensions folder - needed to run unholy.
5. "úΩhØLÿ 1.3 Read me.." - what you're reading right now (I hope!)
6. "TeachText" - your VERY OWN copy of TeachText needed to edit some macros.
7. "Unholy Macro Folder" - goes into the system folder - list of macros.
8. "Unholy MenuBar" - Adds MenuBar support for Unholy! (now necessary)
9. "Go2AnyPR" - lets you enter a private room w/o lobby. (needed for some macros)
10. "Unholy MenuBar Preferences" - Some pre-set prefrences for 'Unholy MenuBar'.
Also, if you don't like the size/font of the UnholyMenu - click on "About Unholy:By Error ReD/HolyStyx" to get into the prefrences.
E-Mail me at "Error ReD4" or "FireFlyX1" (